Sunday, March 20

Books That Disappointed Me

No matter how much we hate it: we all have books we ended up liking a lot less than we thought we would, which always ends up being a major disappointment. As I explained in my '25 bookish facts about me' post, I try to only buy books I know I will enjoy, but sometimes it still end up enjoying books a lot less than I thought I would. Today I'll be talking about some of those books.

The Fault In Our Stars
A book I think most reader have read and love. It was the first (and only) book I ever read by John Green and because everybody always talks about him like he is some kind of god, I had to read one of his books. The reason I chose this one is because I watched the movie when it was released and I enjoyed it.
I ended up liking the book a lot less than I thought I actually would. I thought there was nothing special about the way he wrote, which I thought would be the case. The characters were enjoyable, but didn't have anything special about them besides the fact that they both have cancer. I also didn't enjoy the general storyline and thought it was kind of your regular 'doomed lovers' story.

I Was Here
This was the first book I read by Gayle Forman and I knew a lot of people liked her other book 'If I Stay' and the story of this book sounded like something I would really enjoy. I hadn't read a book that dealt with suicide before, so I couldn't wait to start reading.
Nothing in this book ended up being a big surprise for me. In the beginning the reason behind the whole suicide is actually already pretty clear and as soon as the main character met the male love interest, I knew they were going to end up together...

Allegiant, the final book in the Divergent trilogy was such a big disappoinment to me. I LOVED Divergent and thought Insurgent was a pretty good book as well. Then I got to Allegiant...I hated it. I felt like the story was so incredibly slow and boring and nothing exciting happened aside from like 20 pages in total, in a book that is around the 500 pages. It was nice to find out the whole 'story behind the story', but it was just waaaaay too long for me....Also the deaths felt so unneccesary, like Veronica Roth only put them in there to shock her readers. That's really how it felt for me.

Red Queen
I don't really want to call Red Queen a disappointing read, because I still enjoyed the book and am excited to read the second one, but I just thought there were so many influences from other fantasy novels such as Game Of Thrones that made it a bit unoriginal for me.
Honestly I also didn't remember much from most of the events that happened in the book, because it didn't wow me enough.
Overall I was just expecting a lot more from it.


The last book that disappointed me a lot was Passenger by Alexandra Bracken. I wrote a review on this book, so if you're interesten in my full thoughts, you can read it here.
The concept of the book sounded so amazing to me and I was about 99% certain I would absolutely LOVE this book and that it would end up being one of my new favs.
This wasn't the case.
The first 50 pages of the book were fast paced and great, but then out of the blue it became so incredibly slow. It took me about 2 weeks to read it, which is usually the time it takes me to read a book such as A Game Of Thrones or The Fellowship Of The Ring...
I just felt like there was so much unneccesary information being thrown at you every single page and most of this information wasn't even really about the plot of the story. This is what made it a very boring read to me.

Question of the day:
What are some books that disappointed you? Do you agree with me about these books or not?

~ Amber


  1. I'm literally about to start reading Passenger when I finish up blogging for the night. XD AHH I'M WORRIED. Although, tbh, I've heard most people say what you're expectations are hugely low. D: I also couldn't stand Red Queen. I thought it was super unoriginal!? I don't get why it's so hyped. And I Was Here made me SO SO ANGRY. ARGGGH. I think it was super unhealthy the way the protagonist went and stalked that guy, too, right? EEERK. I mean, he was bad, but she was fighting fire with fire and it could've been really dangerous and That book was so wrong for me.
    A book that disappointed me recently was Not If I See You First. I REALLY wanted to like it, but the protagonist was really rude under the guise of being "honest". :(

  2. For me it was a dutch book by the name of Dejavu and I honestly was excited to read it (which I never have while reading dutch books) and heard great things about it from a friend. The first few chapters were slow, so I was waiting for later chapters. But it began to suck more and more with each passing page.

  3. Allegiant was a terrible book for me lol, I hated it so much especially how Four's perspective really ruined it for me. Red Queen was disappointing to me too, and your thoughts echo mine perfectly! I Was here was forgettable and Passenger as well I felt was lacklustre. It looks like we have similar thoughts on books Amber!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  4. I have to agree with you on Alliegant. It was so disappointing for me especially after how much I loved yhe first two books in the series. I was recently disappointed with Legend by Marie Lu. I found the alternating narration really poorly done (kind of like in Alleigant). If she hadn't changed the font colors for the character narrating I am not sure I could have told the difference. Which was really disappointing considering the plot of the book really intrigued me. I have yet to read the other books on this list, though Red Queen is on my tbr list and I have been skeptical about it to begin with.

  5. Allegiant was also a disappointment to me, although I should've had expected it since Insurgent was also kinda boring. Same with Red Queen, I'm currently reading it and I don't know if it is because I've read half of it or because I feel the same way. Love your blog!
