So let's talk about the Goodreads Challenge first. I've already written a blogpost on how I feel about this particular reading challenge and my opinion hasn't changed since. I still don't like it. It's supposed to be fun and all, but I'm a very competitive person and if I set a reading goal I have to reach it. Which lead to me constantly being stressed about reading, because I just had to read the impossible goal I set and it wasn't fun to do anymore.
So for 2018 I set my goal to 10 books, something I can easily reach. I mostly use the Goodreads Challenge to have a good overview of the amount and which books I read in a year, but I don't like the actual challenge aspect. This way I can keep track of what I've read without being stressed about it.
Let's get into some bookish things now. The first thing I really want to do is finish the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin. Last year I read the biggest book in the series: A Storm Of Swords, which was incredible as expected. And this year I want to read the final two. I'm already about 200 pages into A Feast For Crows, so if I finish that in the first half of the year and A Dance With Dragons in the second half, I can finally join everybody in crying about The Winds Of Winter never releasing and Game Of Thrones almost being over...good times.
I also really want to read more adult books. Right now I mostly read Young Adult, sometimes even middle grade, but at times I find myself just not relating to the characters anymore. I'm turning 20 next year so obviously I still fall under the young adult age category, but sometimes characters in YA books seem way too young to be doing the things they're doing (like epic battles and saving the entire kingdom or being part of heavy political games or something). And sometimes I'm just kinda 'eh' about it. I won't stop reading YA, bc if the books sounds good I'm definitely going to read it, but I also want to explore the whole adult or new adult genres more.
Another thing I really want to do in 2018 is read more poetry. I absolutely love poetry and it always speaks to me in such a special way, but despite that I never really pick up any poetry books. I spend more time on Pinterest exploring the poetry tag and pinning everything on my poetry board rather than actually buying some poetry collections. Recently I got The Princess Saves Herself In This One, Milk and Honey and Love Her Wild, so I can't wait to jump into those.
This one is something every book lover always says, but never really sticks to: I want to read more of the books I already own. There are always so many amazing new books coming out that I want to read and sometimes I forget the books I already have. I have books that have been sitting on my shelves for literally 2 years just waiting to finally be opened. This year will be the moment for those books.
The last thing I want to do reading wise in 2018 is review more books and just blog more in general. I love reading and I really love writing blogposts and yet I rarely review books. Sometimes because I simply don't have enough thoughts about a book to write a full review about it, but most of the times I'm honestly too lazy *insert GOT Shame nun*. After I posted my Stalking Jack The Ripper review on here, I got quite a lot of messages on Tumblr and Instagram (where I shared it as well) of people they now wanted to read the book because of my review. The idea of positively influencing people to read a book I really loved and letting them experience the same thing made me so happy that it made me realise that I want to review the books I read for all of my blog readers.
So those were my reading goals and resolutions for 2018. Let me know in the comments what yours are, I'd love to read them. And if you want to talk to me personally you can always message me on my Tumblr or Instagram:
~ Amber
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