But let's get to the point of this blogpost, I am back with my list of most anticipated books for the year, because last year everybody seemed to love that blogpost. Don't forget to share your most anticipated books in the comments! We love to read them.
January the 17th
I am very excited that Veronica Roth is releasing another book. Even though I didn't like Allegiant, I thought Divergent and Insurgent were really good, so I'm definitely going to read her newest release. This is a Sci-Fi novel, and usually I'm not a big Sci-Fi fan, because I never understand the whole space thing and forget names of planets and things like that, but Veronica wrote it so I'm still going to read it.
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Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones
I have to be honest and say that this book originally caught my eye because of the amazing cover, but than I read the synopsis and got truly excited. This novel follows a girl who is taken to a Goblin kingdom, which I have never read before. Also, this is a stand alone, which I think is really cool for fantasy books, because usually they are like 6 books long series.
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February the 14th
This poetry bind up, which is written by one of my dear Tumblr friends, has already been released for a while, but will be getting a re-release next February. I was already planning on getting this quite some time ago, but than I hear that's it's going to be re-released and new poems will be added, so I am patiently going to wait for Valentine's day to buy this one.
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Hunted by Meagan Spooner
March the 14th
I love fairytale retellings, so when I found out about this novel I couldn't help but be excited. It's a Beauty and the Beast retelling. What I really like about this book is that Beast takes the girls father instead of her and that instead of being a sad and locked up girl, she is going to hunt him. It sounds very intriguing to me.
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May the 2nd
This is without a doubt my most anticipated book of next year. I've read ACOMAF three times since it came out last May and the waiting for this book if absolutely horrible. There is also a small part in me, though, that doesn't want this book to come out because it'll be the final one in the trilogy and my heart is not ready for this story to be over. At least we have another 3 books series set in this world to look forward to, omg.
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May the 23rd
This is one of the books I'm probably most excited about. I love the shadowhunter world and I highly enjoyed the first book in this trilogy, Lady Midnight. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next between Emma and Julien and to see more of Jem and Tessa (hopefully pls I need my Jem) and most of all: Mark and Kieran (I love them so much omg). I'm also really interested in the Wild Hunt and hope they'll be important in this novel. I do have to say that I'm glad this one is 100 smaller than Lady Midnight, because I felt like that one dragged on a bit too long.
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Throne Of Glass 6 by Sarah J Mass
This book doesn't even have a title or exact release date yet, but I know one thing already: This book is going to wreck my soul and leave me sobbing for the rest of eternity. At least that's what Empire Of Storms did. I am terrified for this book. I'm going going to spoil EOS, but some things happened that hurt me so incredibly bad that I still cry just thinking about it. Oh how I hope everything will turn out to be fine. It will, right...Right.......????? Pls Sarah.
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Magnus Chase And The Ship Of Death by Rick Riordan
October the 3rd
I love the Magnus Chase trilogy and even though the second book released only a month ago, I am so ready for this one. I love the fun cast of characters, it's hilarious, the story is epic and there is a talking sword. What more can you ask for?
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The World Of Throne Of Glass by Sarah J Maas
We don't know anything about this book either, only that it will be out in 2017 and contain all there is to know about the world of Throne Of Glass. Sign me up. I love history and I love Throne Of Glass so how can I not look forward to this book?
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There Will Be Other Summers by Benjamin Alire Saenz
I have no idea when this book is going to come out, the only thing we know is the title. This is the second book in the Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe duology, apparently. I read this book last summer and was so sad that is was over because I loved it so much, but then I found out that another book is coming and I am beyond excited to dive back into the lives of Ari and Dante.
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~ Amber
Cool list! Divergent was a fun series to read and see how Roth progressed as a writer (even if Allegiant wasn't the best of the three :P). Carve the Mark sounds interesting! Hunted sounds awesome. I love Beauty and the Beast, and all of these retellings are a lot of fun! Hope you have a great 2017 reading year!